Web Hosting | Domains

Web Hosting | Domains

We use and recommend - DutyFreeHosting.com

Why 'Duty Free Hosting'?

With 5 Global Data Centres – including ‘Sydney’ Australia

Web Design Gold Coast uses and recommends DutyFreeHosting.com for all your web hosting and domain names. When designing your website package we include these services and we take care of everything for you, so no hassles!

That includes:

  • Opening a hosting account in your name
  • Registering or transferring your domain[s] 
  • Configure your server ready for your website
  • Create your email addresses
  • Set-up your security settings
DutyFreeHosting.com benefits – 

Prefer to sign-up yourself?

No problem, you can sign-up to any of their hosting plans and domains via a simple online form here on our website .

It will submit your application direct to DutyFreeHosting.com who will activate your account immediately and send the access details to you alone.

Then use the hosting account to design a website yourself or send the access details to any designer of your choice to create your website for you.

Either way, we are confident their hosting services will more than meet your expectations.


Domain Names

DutyFreeHosting.com also offer competitive priced domain name registration. We us them for all our clients domain name registrations.

Not only because they give clients a free .com domain with a Business hosting plan they can reside securely within your hosting plan accessed by the one login.

When comparing prices, don’t be fooled with prices that at first appear cheaper. You will find many registrars promote low domain prices only to find that you have to sign-up and pay for 3-4 years!