Site Maintenance

type of service

SITE Maintenance

WordPress site maintenance is very important and should be carried out on a regular basis – at least every 2 – 3 months.

Thats because a WordPress is forever being updated and it’s important to be using the lates version to protect the site from being hacked. Thats because hackers constantly look for vulnerabilities in website programs forcing developers to provide regular updates.

Similarly all the plugins which help to make your site unique are also being updated on a regular basis and you run further risks of having your site hacked if you don’t install those updates.

Site maintenance can easily be performed yourself if you know and are confident to follow the process. At Web Design Gold Coast, we offer a regular full maintenance service for clients who dont wish to do it themselves, for just $88 [Inc. GST].

As a Web Design Gold Coast client you will be notified each time we run a site maintenance program so you can opt in if you wish. Details of what that included is listed below.

Recommended Site Maintenance 
Here is a list of what is recommended on a regular basis.
  1. Update your WordPress program to the very latest version. New versions include security patches to fix any back doors found by hackers. [update your website and database on the server first incase your theme is not compatible with the latest version of WordPress]
  2. Update plugins if newer versions are available for the same performance and security reasons. [one at a time in case your theme is incompatible and your site goes down]
  3. Clear out any unwanted comments/spam by moving them to the trash
  4. Make sure you have a good security plugin installed and update it regularly – check settings
  5. Be careful to not update your theme [unless you are operating a child theme] to prevent any tailored scripts on your site being overwritten. 
  6. Make sure your Username and Password are strong. [EG minimum 8 characters using a combination of upper and lower case letter, numbers and symbols]
WordPress Maintenance Service [1 – 5] only $88
NOTE: WordPress is the most used Content Management System [CMS] on the net & the most hacked. Once a site is hacked, your site which can;
* Send SPAM emails from your online forms 
* Shut your site down
* Operate spyware/malware
* Cause your host to suspend your site
* Once your site is infected it can be very difficult and costly removing the scripts.