type of service
Website Hosting
From $4m
We have used and recommend DutyFreeHosting.com to all our clients for the very best value hosting and domain services. They offer a choice of 5 global data centres across the world including one on Sydney Australia for all our Australian clients.
We can confirm having used them now for over 10 years, their server uptime is over 99% and their ticket support is outstanding with all support tickets answered in under 1 hour, 24 hours a days, 365 days a year.
They offer hosting plans offering an incredible range of features from just $4/m [USD]. Scroll through the link to their site below to see everything they offer in their hosting plans which is so much more than most hosts, including free domains and free ssl certificates.
In addition they have their own exclusive Hepsia control panel with you will find far easier to navigate than the standard cPanel offered by all other hosts.
Even if you don’t use WebDesignGoldCoast.com for your online web presence we strongly suggest you chose DutyFreeHosting.com for all your web hosting and domain name needs, you won’t regret it.